Mental Health, Dual-Diagnosis, and Co-Occurring Disorders

Research shows that more than half the people struggling with alcohol and substance use disorders also have at least one additional mental health disorder. The same is true for individuals struggling with a primary mental health diagnosis: a majority also battle alcohol or substance use disorders. Mental health professionals use a variety of terms to describe this phenomenon: depending on the practitioner and treatment center, you’ll see or hear it called co-occurring disorders, dual diagnosis, co-morbidity, concurrent disorders or dual disorder diagnosis. When appropriate, Pinnacle Treatment programs address both addiction and mental health disorders with a plan that increases likelihood of recovery from both.

A substance use disorder can hide the symptoms of a mental health disorder, and the symptoms of a mental health disorder can be mistaken for a substance use disorder. We find out what’s happening with you – and help you find a way forward.​

Common Co-Occurring Disorders

Mental health conditions that commonly accompany alcohol and substance use disorders include:
  • Depression
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Eating Disorders
  • Compulsion Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
If you or someone you love struggles with addiction, it’s important to understand the relationship between addiction and co-occurring disorders. The problem most patients face is getting an accurate diagnosis. Determining the origin of symptoms related to addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders requires at least three things:

Understand Your Addiction

An accurate diagnosis is the first step. Next, the treatment plan must be flexible. If an addiction masks a co-occurring disorder, it takes time for symptoms of the addiction to fade. When they do, the underlying emotional or mental health disorder may assert itself. At this point, clinicians must be savvy and adaptable: treatment for the co-occurring disorder needs to share time with treatment for the addiction. Finally, any plan developed to address addiction and co-occurring disorders must treat the whole person – not just one part. That’s exactly how things work at Pinnacle Treatment. We watch, we listen, and we learn. Your treatment plan grows and changes as you grow and change. If co-occurring disorders reveal themselves during your time with us, we adapt your program accordingly, because that’s the best way to get you on the path to optimal and sustainable health and well-being.